Monday, March 1, 2010

email from Udula

Udula Pathirana

to me, Daya
show details 16:20 (1 hour ago)
Dear orgnisers,
I totally agree with Hema. Developments in medicine are changing so fast, books become obsolete in no time. It's not worth therefore shipping old editions of text books considering the shipping costs. Each of us should be able to donate a new text . These could be bought in Colombo avoiding the shipping charges.
Why not make the required book list in the format of a "wedding gift list", adn e.mail the list to everyone so that each one can tick off what they wish to donate.
I have thought of donating a copy of Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine , which I can buy in Sarasavi book shop Dehiwala.
Kind regards to everyone.

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