Wednesday, March 10, 2010

email from Nana

Dear Philip

I have read with great interest the various responses on our initial suggestion- to show our gratitude and appreciation and to help Colombo Medical Faculty as a Group collectively.

Since Nalini (after lot of efforts) shared the list of books & journals which are of short supply and giving the details of costs and the quantity required, the comments seem to have dried up.

I agree we must provide upto date editions/copies with sustained plans for the provisions of future up dates ( ideally). Other alternatives like electronic media facility could also be explored.

Books and journals appear to be one that seem to be popular. The opportunity for provision of sponsorship funds( relevant details were provided through the efforts of Dawood) was not much commented on.

I still feel passionately that it is time we act and act together & collectively on a suitable project which should be initiated by the ‘1960 medical Batch’. The initial target date could be on the 2nd or 3rd July for the grand presentation.

we could plan with the help of a small dedicated group based in Sri Lanka who can represent all of us as to what our target would be and how we can formulate an effective, successful and a pragmatic project for all of us to be proud of.

Can I suggest a very modest target of say £150,000.00 as one off donation towards a very worthy cause- may be library updates and/or sponsorship Fund. Even if each one of us gives a minimum of £100.00(absolutely optional and preferably anonymous), we should be able to raise £200,000.

Let the Organisers decide on a working Group of say 3-5 dedicated and enthusiastic colleagues from Sri Lanka. We would be very happy to support.

These efforts should not exclude those who still want to make any individual donations to any worthy cause.

We have app. 3 months to finalise the details and to raising the funds. We have had enough comments which have been most helpful. Let's show our dedication, Unity and commitment by action.

Best wishes for a very successful outcome


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