Tuesday, March 2, 2010

email from Nana

Dear Nalini
I am very pleased and overjoyed to note the interest and the enthusiasm shown by some of our colleagues towards the initiative we proposed in helping our Medical Faculty in various ways.
I would wait to hear more and more thoughts and ideas over the next few weeks and would make few comments afterwards.
I am writing this to you get information on another issue.
Could you please let me know if you are organising an 'academic session' like what you did previously.
If you do and if you have not got enough participants, I would like to make a brief presentation on a very unusual professional experience I had as a consultant paediatrician.
My experience is that this type of Events would have serious implications on the practising clinicians.
I could present some of the relevant practical points and 'lessons to be learnt' which may be of interest to any practising clinician.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Very best wishes

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