Saturday, February 20, 2010

e.mail from Nalini

Daya & nalini rodrigo

to me
show details 10:20 (35 minutes ago)
Dear All,
I must say its been very interesting reading the e-mails these days & very heartening to see the enthusiasm generated & suggestions from Daya, Nana, Tissa, Karals, Dawood & others. Ranee's "dig deep" for our Alma Mater was also very touching!
After Bernard's query re scope & specific projects, I thought it was time to contact Prof Harsha Seneviratne (Dean) regarding the current needs.
He was very enthusiastic, but warned us that there have been several attempts at forming Alumni Associations in the past but as there was no proper Chairperson & committee - they all generally fizzled out. So it seems important to get our act together on that first.
He said there were dire needs in the following areas :
1) Academic (contact person Rohan Jayasekera)
2) Structural (the front lobby needs sprucing up)
3) Student Welfare which was being handled very well by Priyadharshini Gallappatti. A needs assessment is done & the deserving students are assigned a sponsor & get Rs. 1500 per month from their sponsors (which is hardly sufficient, but something!).
4) The Medical Education Unit (MEDARC) run by Indika Karunatilleke also needs equipment, mannekins, etc.
5) The Library needs books & journals - very specially journals which have become a very costly item.

The Faculty of Medicine Colombo has a website from which we could obtain more information.

Harsha said he could give more specific information & suggestions if we could indicate something of our financial commitment to this - lakhs, millions or billions!! He said there have been several proposals from alumni in the past which didnt go through due to a lack of finances. Hope this doesnt happen to us too!

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