Tuesday, February 16, 2010

e.mail from 'Kalu Nana'

Dear Daya
Thanks for your e mail and the sensible thoughts.
My personal thoughts are that the time and the duration of the Get together is relatively short for us to engage in any sort of Shramadana type of good deed.
The minimum agenda would be most welcome in the circumstances.
Each of us may have different expectations but I feel the most valued thing is to meet and greet the good old mates( whilst we are still physically and mentally alert with most of our senses are in tact) who we had not met for quite some time. Some may want to have a big booze, others may want to gossip any juicy news and others may just want to relax.
Some of us are already in the habit of keeping in touch with few of our friends in a variety of ways. Many would be having many other commitments during the time of the Re Union- meeting their own friends and relatives, visiting places, engaging in cultural and social affairs etc.
You can float your idea for all the batch mates to enable them to respond.
If a significant number agrees with your good thoughts, that would be a start.
I may suggest something like helping the Medical Faculty if we can identify one the dire needs/deficiencies as a priority. If the batch mates are agreeable we may be able make a financial contribution (collectively) towards such a worthy cause. We do not have to do this on the 1st of July but we could have a reasonable target date for raising the funds if the batchmates agree.
Best wishes

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