Friday, January 29, 2010

Minutes of the meeting of Med Batch 1960 50th Anniversary Reunion

Held on 14th jan 2010. At the residence of Dr M.P.Wedisinghe Kandy

Present Dr Sarath Kapuwatte Chair

Dr R.L.Jayakuru

Dr Silva

Dr M.P.Wedisinghe

Dr Piyaseeli Wedisinghe

Minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted.

The Booking in procedure at the Hotel has been further simplified , the name , no of rooms and the dates of stay to be sent to M/S indu Chandrawansa at e mail address.

Dr Kapuwatte requested a list local batch mates participating in the event to be prepared and forwarded to Dr KEJ de Silva. Dr M.P.Wedisinghe to attend to this.

Those participating from Jaffna will be prepared by Dr Sivarajah.

Those participating from Kandy and Colombo are already available.

Regarding sponsors, Dr Jayakuru has contacted about 10 Drug firms . Some have promised to contribute. Exact amount is not known.

Regarding the Souvenir ,Dr Buddadasa who attended the meeting in Colombo last time has promised to find sponsors for advertisements. Dr Veerasingam will attend to the printing of the Souvenir .

Regarding a Banner , Dr jayalath to attend. Words in the banner would be Medical Batch 1960 5oth Anniversary Reunion.

All agreed to have a Directory of the Batchmates giving their present position , and email addresses.

Telepix Kandy was chosen as the official Photographer. The cost of the photographs to be borne individually.

Regarding Music etc , it was decided to get services of a DJ as against having a Band as it was cheaper. Dr Durumila to make inquiries.

Some problems were encountered in finding time for both a Concert and a Paduru Party. This needs sorting out.

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