Wednesday, November 11, 2009


In our opinion, at this time we do not need clinical lectures -although we requested in the past. Some kind of entertainment would be more in line. Thanks to every one who is working hard to make our gettogether a success.
Lalith and Shanthi Fernando

A joyful part of any trip is the preparation and more suggestions and comments is fun Daya jayasinghe.

Email :-

My comments re "attempting to please everybody" were made tongue-in-cheek!
I found the suggestion for a lecture to follow clinical sessions and other such grave indoor activities rather amusing.
Especially after a lifetime of giving and receiving lectures!!
Also, One must keep in mind Bill Cosby's
great quote "The attempt to please all is the surest road to disaster".
Anyone thinking of having fun on your 50th.Anniversary weekend ?

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 4:53 PM, <> wrote:


I would like to second the idea. Since many of us may have retired one or two speakers from outside the rofession may liven things up.

Asoka Dissanayake

Wonderful to hear the various comments at least to note some of our batch mates are still able to think sane, awake and not in a confessional state.

It must be humanly impossible to please everyone but would be worthwhile if we can please the majority as indicated.

To me, the important thing is the opportunity for most of to 'meet & greet' How we spend our time once we are together would be entirely left to the individuals.

The organisers have to put up a 'programme' of sorts which would be appealing to those who are planning to attend.

I am so grateful to all those who have shown an interest and a commitment to attend the Get Together. I am also grateful to the Organisers for their efforts to make this event a success.

We need more comments- good, bad ugly or indifferent.

best wishes


Suggestion for the re-union from Dr.Daya JayasingheDear all,You all might want to consider having a guest speaker, or keynote address etc on topics like Veddhas in ceylon,History of medicine in srilanka,Srilankan stockmarket and investmants or Ayurveda medicineand similar topics of interest.
In our Gynae meetings we have had Stock market, Bart Cummings on race horses, Lifestyle and retirement etc Best wishes, Daya j./ *

Shouldn't we at least *attempt* to please all!!
After all keeping a large number of people engrossed, entertained or amused
for all of 48 hours minus sleep time is going to be a major problem for the organisers.
As for me I would try to catch up on lost time meeting old buddies and generally chilling out..
I have had my fill of old farts spewing hot air. Enough to last a life time and more!
However, I once met a retired archaeology dept. person who joined me for a drink at the Polonnaruwa rest House.
To cut a long story short, early the very next morning this gentleman took me on a walkabout through the ruins of Polonnaruwa.
I have rarely spent a more exhilarating day. He brought old polonnaruwa to life for me.
Pointing out and interpreting the evidence easily missed by the casual tourist.
It was a fantastic experience.
Best Regards

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