Friday, November 6, 2009

1960 Medicoes ReUnion, Ad Hoc Group in UK for networking


to me
show details 5:22 PM (30 minutes ago)
Dear Philip
Few of our batch mates in UK got together to partly to meet & greet and more importantly to discuss ways of spreading the message to encourage more of our batchmates to attend the ReUnion in July 2010.
Few of us were able to enjoy a delicious Sri Lankan hot buffet meal at a popular Sri Lankan restaurant- Prince of Ceylon in London and share our thoughts about the task in hand.
Once we get an update from the individual members in the group, I would be able to send you a collated list of the batch mates who are planning to attend the Re Union.
We managed to get a photo of the group to share with you guys, just to show what the age does to some of us. What is obvious is that all appeared to be delighted with the ' mini get together'.
Just to avoid any embarrassment I will name them ( from L to R)
Udula, myself, Charmaine, Narada, Pearl,Titus Dissa, Karunapala, Sidney H, and Karals.
Present indications are that we may get about 30 batch mates( + their partners where applicable)


  1. My Dear Nana,
    Many thanks for pre identifying the batchmates and stating their names and giving their position in the picture taken, at the Princes Restaurantm London, whilst you were enjoying a hot Sri Lankan Buffet.
    It would have really helped, to have the picture before us, whilst matching names to faces.
    Kindest Regards

  2. Hi Dawood
    I did send a copy of the photo to Philip and hopefully he would add it for clarity.



  3. Dear Nana,
    I was merely pulling your leg. As Karals once said, it's nice to exchange insults once in a while.
    Takes us back to the old days,the cut table and uncle's canteen!!
    No hurt was intended.
    Just being my mischievous self!
    Best Regards
