Thursday, October 8, 2009

Letter from Tissa Kappagoda, Editor Souvenir for 2010 reunion.

Dear Everyone,

Next July we plan to meet in Sri Lanka to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our entry into the medical faculty. It is reasonable to pause and ask, “What precisely are we hoping to celebrate?” Although there is much we would like to forget, all of us have been granted a unique opportunity to use our knowledge and expertise to benefit others and that is a gift granted to only a few in each generation. Our triumphs and failures have contributed in equal measure to our lives within the profession and outside it.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the anniversary celebration, I would like to invite you to record some of these experiences for posterity. We plan to compile an anthology of your essays for publication. It is anticipated that the book will be released in time for the reunion in July.

Please send your contributions to me at Alternate email address Each article should be in #10 Arial font and no more that 10 pages in length including photographs. I would appreciate receiving the manuscript by the end of January 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Tissa Kappagoda

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