Thursday, September 24, 2009

Organising Committee meeting , Kandy, 22/9/2009

Minuites of the meeting held on 22.09.09

Present Dr Sarath Kapuwatte Chair

Dr K.E.J de Silva

Dr M.P.Wedisi nghe representing Dr P.Wedisinghe

At the outset, Dr Kapuwatte said that booking of the Habarana Cinnamon Lodge has to be confirmed (minimum of 60 to 70 rooms) before 30th of September 09. He undertook to attend to that matter.

Regarding individual booking of rooms , the person to contact would be Mr Indu Chandrawansa Senior Marketing Manager , tel Nos 011 2306628 and 2439049 – 51. It is not essential that the rooms ha ve to be booked individually and advances paid before the said date. He added however , that some persons have already made their room bookings.

Programme of events.

Clinical sessions will be organized by Dr Nalini Rodrigo like last time.

Concert will be organized by Prof Gerry Jayasekara.

Decision regarding the Band will be taken later.

Blog created by Dr Veerasingam. Our members are encouraged to visit it and upload any photographs available on events of previous meetings etc.

Funds. We need funds for the Band, Photographs, Banners ,Name tags , Souvenir , and other incidental expenses. A decision was made to collect Rs 100 to 150,000.00. through sponsorship by Drug Companies. A common letter requesting sponsorship to be prepared by the Secretary and to be handed over to Dr Sarath Kapuwatte.

A new letter head to be prepared by Dr M.P.Wedisinghe.

Dr Kapuwatte said that th e following from Australia, have already confirmed their participation .

Drs Tony Preena , Chitra de Silva, Daya Jayasinghe, Osmond Rajakariar,Freddie Spittle, Travis Perera, Sujeeva Ratnetunga , Buddy Reid, and Metta Muniratne.

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