Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Extract of a letter from Buddy to Karals.

Hello Karals,

I am delighted that I have finally caught up with you. I tried to make contact but had only your previous Email address. Fortunately Philip sent me your address a few days ago. You may have left out the g between buddy and reid in my address.

I had no idea I was held in high esteem and wondered whether you were writing about somebody else but I knew it was me when you mentioned my hiking to strengthen my left leg for Cricket and Table Tennis. Guess what I am doing now. I am strengthening my left leg for Table Tennis !

Since I last saw you in 2003, I have had an amazing run in Table Tennis ( to which I returned because my wife Peace told me to do so). I have won the Victorian State over 60 singles and doubles, the Australian National over 65 singles and doubles, represented Australia in a Table Tennis Test match against New Zealand and won a silver medal in the over 65 doubles in the World Championships. There were 196 doubles pairs from all over the world in the over 65's. I would not have believed in my wildest dreams that all this could happen. No doubt Peace would have played a few crucial shots for me from heaven.

At present I play Table Tennis at least 5 nights a week, write and play music and sing mainly for my church, do a little medical reporting for the Workers Compensation Board and teach 1st and 2nd year medical students the basics of history taking and physical examination.

Our daughter, Sonali whom you met at your home in England in 2003, now has four boys, aged 8,6,4 and 1 year. I spend as much time as possible with them. We all live in the same home at 195 Barkers Road, Kew 3101, Victoria. She does a little part time work at Melbourne University teaching 1st year medical and dental students biochemistry practicals.

Our son is a specialist in Forensic Psychiatry ( one of only about 10 in Australia). He works in Melbourne. His girl friend is also a psychiatrist but he has not tied the knot yet.

I am looking forward to hearing of your publications and hoping that I will not need either my son's speciality or yours.

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