Monday, August 31, 2009

Recalling memories - Kalu Nana

Dear Suresh
The detailed e mail you sent to uncle Kapuwatta was copied to me by another of our batch mates- Philip Veerasingham and I just read it.
I an not a Thomian nor am I a Josephian but proud to be an old Richmondite.
I came to know your father only when we entered the medical school. He may have told you that he was at Bloemfontein medical hostel. I was also in the same hostel with him and became very close friends since then. We had a wonderful time in the hostel and during our medical college days.
I kept in touch with him since then for many years till I left Sri Lanka. He used to visit me at various hospitals I worked in Sri lanka and came and stayed with me at Hambantota hospital when I was the DMO from 1971 to 1974. I was known as Kalu Nana ( I am not that dark anyway) amongst my batch mates.
He was a wonderful friend and was always happy true to his name.
I do not think that I had met you with your father in person.
I am in UK and still visit Sri Lanka. I sometimes use Qatar Airways for these trips.
I am very sorry to hear the very sad news of the death of your beloved father and the details of his last few days and months.
Even though he is out of sight and out of touch, he will not be out of our memories nor will he be gone out of our hearts.
Please accept our deepest condolences even though this is quite belated.
May he rest in peace.
Very best wishes
Uncle Nana

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