Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The aim of this blog.

This blog has been designed and opened, for interaction with the members of the 1960 entrants to the Medical Faculty, Kynsey Road Colombo, Ceylon. We use the word Ceylon because this was what Sri Lanka was called in 1960.
Father time has passed over all the members of this batch of 1960. Quite a few who were in various positions are now retired and enjoying leisure after a hectic lifetime of work.
It is a time for us to think back and recall old times. We welcome contributions from batch-mates to this blog. The email address is

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Your call for photographs is noted. It is unlikely that many pictures would be forthcoming.
    A call for personal anecdotes may produce a better response!
    e.g Derrwick on his tiger club chasing a batchmate through the streets of Colombo and the guile used to capture the target! A Hilarious street chase with tragic overtones!
